The Discovery Portal to Extraterrestial Life

The most significant evidence of Earth’s Event Horizon is found in the earliest, ocean bottom remnants to the recent geological signatures of an organic, superalloy rocket species by tracing its infinite earth life-cycle. This is the story of the 5 billion-year galactic creation making of Earth.  

The timeless photo journal provides first-hand answers to the Mass Extinction periods, the Great Unconformity, UFOs, and other astonishing facts with photos about our amazing planet including the astonishing Yellowstone ‘smoking gun’ land mass orogeny that first exploded during the late Precambrian.

The Ultimate Earth Story

GeoVortex is both a company and personal brand, borne from my life events that launched intense research over the last years. Since July 2020, in the Wind River in the Range, NW central WY when a physical, super-peaceful force lifted me. I call it a geovortex feeling on the Wind River that day in a magnificent geologic setting that forever changed my life. There it was – a totem cliff face, images, and lines that beamed a secret earth story. The event has propelled me into finding a storm of revolutionary discoveries of earth, life, and Astro-science phenomenon culminating in “The Secrets of the Winds.” The unprecedented journal is 320 pages, 1000+ photos, segmented into nine (9) chapters, each represented by distinct alien earth symbols pronouncing the cogent discoveries.  It begins with a few special Wind River Range backcountry vignettes, the characters, a glimpse of past and present artwork, and a tribute to early native Americans and Western explorers.  The first chapter also highlights the Totem Rock discovery, the day when the Earth stood still preparing me to receive this download.  Next is Ground Zero, the WY mountains to the Western plains, which encompasses an initial study area that expanded to correlate regional events to world episodes utilizing Google Earth.  The remaining chapters explore Earth’s earliest three (3) largest events, complex science reactions, bomb sites, alien earth beings, gemstone minerals, and the unveiling of the massive covenant ship landing that transported our ocean, vividly illustrated.  The Yellowstone Event at #3, was a bonus revelation from the last intense month of discovery in March 2024. The month encapsulated and validated all the work. 

The journal describes and names the various earth occurrences and identifies a miniature and gigantic alien species to fill in the missing knowledge gap that we’ve been seeking to better understand the origin of the changing land mass and earth life.  The manifesto explores the depths of space travel, the nuances of geological time, condensed matter physics, and the complexities of quantum mechanics congruently linking space, time, and matter to a supremely advanced species. The book ultimately points with bold scientific materials evidence, of the long-debated Great Unconformity when 1.5B yrs. of geological rock record disappeared from our history.

These Secrets are what the world has been expecting and wanting to see for itself to finally believe for its own eyes for deeper contemplation, but I’m warning the photos and interpolations may shock your senses beyond belief.

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Precambrian Embryonic Index fossil

EIG3 E. Wyoming, 10 mi. long, land mass species fossil

Book includes NASA photo validation that the species also invaded Mars, but was it from Earth they invaded?


The Wind River Range is “Rocket Orogeny” that exploded out of Yellowstone Event in Precambrian.  Other area geological events such as the Great Salt Lake can be attributed to Yellowstone with the new data.  

STEAM Rennaissance

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